I was watching a science program just now and it occurred to me that Testing is very much science. And then I wondered about Programming.
I started in IT over 22 years ago doing programming. For me, the process of programming broke down to three parts: figuring out the algorithm to solve the problem, implementing/coding the solution, and cleaning up the code (for whatever reason - e.g. maintainability, usability of UI, etc.). It gets more complicated than that of course, but I think that about sums it up the major activities as I saw them. (SIDE NOTE: I didn't write those to mirror TDD's Red-Green-Refactor, but it does align nicely that way.)
When I think back on my experiences in programming, I don't see a lot of overlap with my experiences in Science (~ 8 years studying, researching and doing Physics & Environmental Science + teaching Science on top of that). Science is about answering questions. The Scientific Method provides a framework for asking and answering questions. Programming isn't about that. Building software isn't about that. I'm having difficulty at the moment trying to see how testing and programming go together.
It occurs to me that schools and universities don't have any courses that teach students how to build software. It also occurs to me that schools and universities provide students with the opportunities to learn and develop the skills required to build software well. The schools just don't know they're doing that and consequently the students don't get that opportunity intentionally.
I'm not talking about learning to program. That's trivial. Building software isn't about programming.
Software Testing "Popcorn" button
I made myself some microwave popcorn for a snack just now. Placed the popcorn bag in the microwave, pressed the 'popcorn' button and then 'start'. Someone next to me said: "There's a popcorn button?" Um, yes, there is. In fact, there has been a 'popcorn' button on every microwave oven I've ever seen.
I explained to my colleague that the recommended time on the bag (in this case it was 2 min 30 sec) doesn't work on every oven. Different ovens have different power output and so the actual cook time may vary. If I go with the default time, it might burn or be under-done and leave too many unpopped kernels in the bag. You could figure out the correct time in a few ways.
I explained to my colleague that the recommended time on the bag (in this case it was 2 min 30 sec) doesn't work on every oven. Different ovens have different power output and so the actual cook time may vary. If I go with the default time, it might burn or be under-done and leave too many unpopped kernels in the bag. You could figure out the correct time in a few ways.